I Am Still Here for You is a collaborative journal project. I created six “Arm Noodles' ' representative of hugs. I sent them to friends to film themselves interacting with the objects as a means to reflect on how our relationship to physical touch is changing during the Covid Pandemic, as well as how we find comfort amidst our limits to physically connect to others.

Some guiding questions include

How has our relationship to physical touch changed during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

What is one way you’re finding comfort/care for yourself during COVID?

How are you being there for others that you love during social distancing?

What alternatives to physical touch are you trying to show care?

How are you being soft with yourself and others during this time?

How did you feel interacting with the object?

What is one way you’re facilitating comfort for yourself during COVID?

What alternatives to physical touch are you trying to show care for others?

How are you being soft with yourself and others during this time?

How does this object bring you comfort? 

What does embodying comfort with the object look like to you?

How do you feel interacting with the object?

What has changed for you from the beginning of the pandemic to now?

Tanya, Lucien, and Lee and Kyle’s videos were made in conjunction with the PARC Cohort’s Long Distance Temporary Projects and funded through the support of Metro Parks Tacoma, and Devon, Mary, and William’s videos were made with the support of Laboratory Art’s Remote Residency.